Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mini Sephora Haul!

Hey guys :) I made a few bucks while shoveling snow today so I decided to go to Sephora!  I just picked up four little things so nothing big but I figured I'd share.

1.  I LOVE THIS.  Korres Jasmine Lip Butter 10$  The packaging on this is super cute too.

2.  I LOVE THIS TOO.  haha this stuff is GENIUS.  I'll do a separate review on it soon.
     Sephora brand Lip Attitude Glamour in Innocent Beige 12$

3.  Sephora by O.P.I. Nail Polish in Rumor Has It.  It's just a super eggshell sheer white color that's not super cute but it was only 5$ instead of the regular 9. 

I cannot find a picture of the next two anywhere! And we all know my camera skills are horrendous... sorry:(

4.  Sephora MultiAction Nail Polish in Plum.  I don't know how much these always are but I got it for 1$ :)  This is a very matte plum shade that's a little chocolatey and purpley.  Very pretty for winter/fall.

This just shows that you CAN go to Sephora and not spend your college tuition money.  I got four things for about thirty dollars which can be similar to drugstore prices!
Thanks for reading!  Comment and subscribe!
Have y'all gotten any really good Sephora deals?  What have you bought there lately?

XO Be sweet <3

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